DVD Cutter 1.6

Language: English

License: FreeWare / Install / Multimedia

Requires: Win7/XP/2003/Vista

Size: 2570 KB


Release Date: 2010-1-24 17:07:41

Author: http://www.aivsoft.com/

Screenshot: /upload/20101/201012417732.JPG

Product Description

DVD Cutter is a smart, easy-to-use and free application that will allow you to cut parts of DVD movies. It can be used to cut down your favorite scenes and songs from a DVD movie.

Here are some key features of "DVD Cutter":

¡¤ Extract small clips from a DVD movie.
¡¤ Save disk space..
¡¤ Full screen view support and standard play controls.
¡¤ Play your selected clips from within the software

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